Available Roles

Division Commissioner

We currently have Division Commissioner roles available at Capesthorne and Moreton.

If you are interested in either of these roles, please get in touch with us via the below contact details:



District Commissioners

We currently have District Commissioner roles available at Alderley Edge, Central & Sutton & Congleton West.

If you are interested in any of these roles, please get in touch with us via the below contact details:

Alderley Edgealderleyedge@girlguidingcheshireborder.org.uk

Central & Suttoncentralandsutton@girlguidingcheshireborder.org.uk

Congleton Westcongletonwest@girlguidingcheshireborder.org.uk

Adviser Roles

We currently have the following Adviser Roles Available within our County:

Climbing adviser, Growth & Retention , Guide Adviser, Inspire (18-30), PR & Marketing Lead , Walking, Water Activities lead.

If you are interested in any of these roles, please get in touch with us via the below contact details:

Climbing adviserclimbing@girlguidingcheshireborder.org.uk

Growth & Retentiongrowth@girlguidingcheshireborder.org.uk

Guide Adviserguides@girlguidingcheshireborder.org.uk

Inspire (18-30)18-30@girlguidingcheshireborder.org.uk

PR & Marketing Leadmarketing.pr@girlguidingcheshireborder.org.uk


Water Activities leadwater@girlguidingcheshireborder.org.uk

Girls take what they do in guiding with them as they grow up. Everything from working in a team, to taking the lead, to speaking out on issues they care about. It helps them develop the skills and confidence to become the young women they want to be. ’